Zoom Unveils Multi-Speaker View in Latest Update

April 15, 2024
Zoom Multiview

On April 15, Zoom introduced its latest update, featuring a significant addition: multi-speaker view. This feature, part of the Zoom Workspace release, combines the best elements of gallery and speaker views to offer users an enhanced meeting experience.

Multi-speaker view provides meeting participants a more engaging experience, dynamically adapting to current speakers by highlighting and enlarging their video tiles over others, while still providing a view of other participants in a smaller gallery view below. With 4 or fewer participants, gallery view is used instead, but with at least 5 participants, up to 4 active speaker(s) will have their video tile enlarged and made the focus of the meeting. Pinning videos is supported with multi-speaker layout, keeping the pinned video in focus, but spotlighting is not supported, as the spotlighted video tile will take control of the video layout for all. 

The multi-speaker view, accessible via the "Views" option in the meeting window's top right corner, provides participants with a visual cue of who is currently speaking. By spotlighting active speakers, Zoom aims to streamline communication and foster engagement, particularly in larger gatherings. This feature ensures that participants can easily identify and focus on the most relevant content and contributors, enhancing the overall meeting experience. 

Note: Multi-speaker layout requires desktop app for Windows or macOS, version 6.0.0 or higher.